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We offer flexible payment options for our getNFT Premium Plan, allowing you to choose between a monthly or yearly subscription paid via cryptocurrency.


The plan costs $15 per month or $150 per year. Please note that these payments are not automatically renewed, so you'll need to manually renew your subscription at the end of each period.

  15$ / month
150$ / year





getNFT - Ethereum - Retrieve NFTs directly within Discord
getNFT - Bitcoin - Retrieve NFTs directly within Discord

Steps for Crypto Payment:

1. Verify the Wallet Address: Choose whether to pay in BTC or ETH, and ensure you copy the exact wallet address above. Double-check to avoid errors, as transactions cannot be reversed.


2. Send Payment: Transfer $150 to the selected wallet address on your chosen network.


3. Complete the Form: After the transaction is confirmed, fill out the form below to activate your getNFT Premium Plan.


Important Notes:

  • Ensure the getNFT Bot is already added to your Discord server before completing the form. This is necessary for your Discord Server ID to be reflected in our database.

  • Once your payment is processed and the form is submitted, your Discord server will be upgraded to the getNFT Premium Plan.


For support, please join our Discord Support Server.

Payment made in
getNFT - Retrieve NFTs directly within Discord
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